GOOD LUCK FUKU RING SVと対になる存在、悪リングです。
サイドにはBAD LUCKという手彫りの彫刻も入ります。
不良の象徴!大人の不良!悪!悪運!BAD LUCK!
SILVER925 Evil ring (AKU ring) is the counterpart to the GOOD LUCK FUKU RING SV.
The side also features a hand-carved engraving that says BAD LUCK.
The symbol of a delinquent! An adult delinquent! Evil ! AKU ! BAD LUCK !
The avant-garde, dangerous vibe is appealing to both men and women.
You may look bad at first glance when wearing an evil ring, but you might actually come across as a good guy!
In America, it is said that deliberately wearing unlucky objects will bring you good luck.
We are conscious of creating designs that will be accepted internationally.